The Qi Factory

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Summer Solstice: this is your lucky day!

The 21st of June is a special day, named Summer Solstice. As the Qi energy is at its highest point, June Solstice has been a trigger for midsummer celebrations, holidays and (religious) festivals all around the world.In Latin 'solstitium' meaning sun-stopping, is the point on the horizon where the sun appears to rise and set, stops and reverses direction after this day. On this solstice, the sun is visible in the sky for a longer period of time as it does rise to the north of east and sets to the north of west (and does not rise precisely in the east).Today, we also celebrate International Yoga Day, which was even officially promoted by the United Nations in 2015.So take out your mat, salute the Sun and unite with the rest of creation!The Qi Factory is joining Summer Solstice- and International Yoga Day with much joy and will donate to five subscribers of the free Qi Planner, as a bonus: their personal 'Three Power Planners' till the end of 2019! We will choose the first subscriber of each of the five continents, as to spread the Qi around the world!Use your personal Power Planner for a High Speed Broad Band Connection to the Universe: sit with your back to the indicated direction (for a whole day!) and enjoy:

  • Power of Clarity, for a clear the mind, healing, cleansing, to improve creativity, enhance thoughts, improve yourself, increase work performance
  • Power of Achievement, to initiate plans, fulfil dreams & wishes, job promotion, asking for a raise, manifest goals, launching projects, start a campaign
  • Power of Execution, to do external activities, attack & conquer, close business deals & contracts, sell properties, launch with force, negotiations, legal cases, talk to convince, external meetings and go for a tender, sales calls etc.

 Free Qi Planner (4 months)Get your auspicious timings calendar, the free Qi Planner here!Wishing all happy Qi planning!Henriette  Photo Credit: HD - Sunset over the desert of Oman.