Feng Shui Activations 2020!

Photo Credit: Henriette M. Driessens - Amazing red autumn leaves

Photo Credit: Henriette M. Driessens - Amazing red autumn leaves

Some of the last Feng Shui Activations for 2020 usher the end of metal autumn-, and our move into the water season. The months of Pig, Rat and Ox are knocking on our doors.

For the coming weeks, instead of anxiously awaiting the end of our restrictions, once more, we have to deep dive into ourselves and find the strength through our Inner Energy source, to meet the new demands.

Meditation, breathing exercises, a healthy diet and enough physical exercise, like yoga, will keep you on track and beat whatever we need to overcome.

Even though it might be hard….stay peaceful and in your own strength, do not let your surroundings bring you off track to the Western Age of Aquarius and the Chinese Period 9.

Here are the Feng Shui Activations of the coming months:

  • October 20: Fortune Virtue Star activation (not for Tiger) at 15.30 hrs in West 2

  • November 20: Dragon Virtue Star activation (not for Rooster) at 03.30 in South West 1

  • December 6: Sun Star activation (not for Ox) at 11.30 hrs in North East 1

  • December 7: Fortune Virtue Star activation (not for Tiger) at 03.30 hrs in West 2

Here is how to do the Activation!

  • Stand in the center of your house (or business) and find the specific Sector on your (iPhone) compass.

  • Go into that sector and activate, to make the Qi (energy) flow.

  • Activity in that area: make noise or use music, move furniture, open a window/door.

Wishing you all strength and patience to face whatever is coming your way!

Sending Qi, Henriette

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